What year was Choride founded?
Records weren't really a thing back then but our best assumption is 1863. In fact, we just celebrated our First Annual Founders Day celebrating 160 years of Chloride!
How did Chloride get it's name?
Chloride is a product of silver. Silver was the main commodity mined here.
When did they stop mining?
Never. Chloride, AZ is the oldest continuously operating mining town in the state of Arizona.
What's the weather like there?
Sitting at an elevation of 4000 feet above sea level, Chloride has mild winters and summers.
Is there a gas station?
No. Well, there are some relics of gas stations but none that are actively pumping gas. Live pumps are located within 15 miles.
Were any movies filmed there?
Yes - several. Jack Nicholson filmed Rebel Rouser. He even stayed in room 10 at Sheps! Ernest Borgnine filmed The Badlanders at the Tennessee mine (even though they gave the credit to Kingman). Although not an actor, Louis L'Amour, a famous author, visited Chloride. A fire broke out during his stay and he helped to put out the fire by joining the bucket brigade.